Autonomy Hub Robotics Club

The Autonomy Hub Robotics Club (AHRC) is formed to make and race pro-level autonomous cars on a budget. That means that they’re smaller than regular cars (down to 1/16th scale) and can be used indoors. All ages are welcome.

But just because they’re small and cheap doesn’t mean that we cannot run real autonomous car software on them. Rather than doing all processing on-board, these robotic cars tend to transmit the data from their on-board sensors (cameras, sonar, lidar, radar, GPS or whatever else we have) via Wifi to a laptop that runs pro-grade AI and robotics software, including TensorFlow, ROS and the rest of the Udacity Self-Driving Car nanodegree toolchain.

The AHRC is also building programs and racing for all types of robotics, which include aerial robotics (drones, FPV).

indoor track.jpg

AHRC will gather regularly to hack and race its robotics cars at the Autonomy Hub headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. With plans for an indoor and outdoor track, AHub is working on setting up its first meetup August 19, 2017.


Our first meetup of the AHRC is to discuss the tasks ahead to build the race tracks, outline plans for the club and prepare to just...innovate!